Is Your Family Prepared?

My first experience with talking about food storage to someone who was not a member of the church came just after 9-11. She pulled me aside to let me know that she had purchased extra groceries just in case something happened. She was quite proud of herself, but then she went on to explain the other ways and reasons that she purchased in bulk and in advance. She felt that food storage was a good thing especially for the disasters that may come in our lives. She was right, but sometimes people look at our food storage and provident living … Continue reading

Relief Society: Organizing a Book Club Enrichment Group

One fun activity or Relief Society group would be a book club. A book club can meet once a month or once every two months. It is a great activity because it allows the women to gather together and discuss a variety of topics in a positive atmosphere. You can have this be a daytime activity or an evening activity or you may have one of each depending on your response. When you set up the book club you may decide to have the book club meet at the different members houses. Another option is to meet at the church … Continue reading

Relief Society: Service Enrichment Night

You may want to form a service enrichment group. This is a great way to provide social opportunities for your sisters, as well as help others. You should choose a regular time for this group to meet. You may choose to have this group meet during the day instead of in the evening. You should also meet at a set time every month, so that the sisters can plan their schedules around this. You can do the same service each month or offer your service to a wide variety of groups in your area. Many groups have things that need … Continue reading

Relief Society: Healthy Enrichment Groups

If you are trying to organize Enrichment groups you may consider organize a few health related ones. It is often difficult to find time to exercise, and unless you are paying for classes, it can be easy to brush aside exercise. Many of the women would enjoy having an exercise group, because it would give them motivation to exercise more often, as well as make it a more social event. Here are a few ideas for exercise groups. 1) You may want to have a walking group. This is a great form of exercise and it really is more fun … Continue reading

Relief Society: Teaching Enrichment Classes

You may have the opportunity to teach a class on an Enrichment night. One of the great things about Enrichment is that it is truly an opportunity to learn from each other. It is wonderful that different people have the opportunities to share their talents with the rest of the Relief Society. Here are five tips to make your class successful. 1) If you have a topic where you can do something hands on to teach, than do it. If you have a cooking topic, then cook. If you have a lesson on preparing family home evening lessons, have the … Continue reading

Relief Society: 5 Ways to Build Unity on Enrichment Nights

One of the purposes of Enrichment night is to build unity between the sisters. It is important to plan activities that allow this to happen. You can still have classes and special guest speakers and still have time set aside for the women to spend time socializing. Here are five easy ways to do this. 1) Service projects are generally a wonderful activity that allows the sisters a chance to talk to each other. You can tie quilts for babies, make pillows for breast cancer patients, put together hygiene kits for the church or your local shelter. These ideas allow … Continue reading

LDS Family Week in Review: May 20th – 26th

We had another great week in the LDS Families blog. We took a look at our Gospel Doctrine lesson and expanded our horizons a bit. Gospel Doctrine: This week’s Sunday School lesson is entitled “Thy Faith Hath Saved Thee.” It covered a variety of ways that people expressed their faith in the Lord and were spiritually saved because of it. In Cry Day and Night, we discussed how prayer affects us. In Men Ought Always to Pray, we talked about how to pray without fainting. In They…Rebuked Him, we talked about how other people might affect our relationship with God … Continue reading

Three Month Supply

It is interesting to me that we are now being urged to store a three-month supply of food. Since I live in a fairly small apartment this seems much more manageable. It is something that we can acquire fairly quickly and plan easily. If you are unsure on where to begin you can visit The church provides a basic outline of the types of foods that you should be storing. In the guidelines for the three-month supply of food, it suggests that you store food that you are used to eating. In reality this would be a good principle … Continue reading

Relief Society: Five Ideas for Preparedness Enrichment Activities

Several meetings in my stake and ward have centered on preparing yourself and your family for emergencies. Some people may not know how to prepare or have the time to do everything themselves. You can form a preparedness group or just offer classes on the topic. Here are five ideas for preparedness enrichment activities. 1) You can have an activity that focuses on preparing emergency kits for your ward members. You can either provide a list or actually provide the items for the people to come and assemble the kit. You may be able to get discounts on food this … Continue reading